Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Persuading, encouraging, and preventing someone

Persuading, encouraging, and preventing someone are the part of expressions . so, this is the important way to show our expressions to other people .


Persuading is expressions to make someone agree to do something, make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it, or by talking to them and making them believe it. The act of influencing the mind by arguments or reason offered, with anything that moves the mind. There are the examples :
  • come on
  • Give it a try
  • try them on
  • believe me, you'll have fun times
  • you won't regret it
  • it;s your only chance, try it!
  • Just this once!
  • you wouldn't find them twice,come on!
  • Why don't you .....
  • etc

Encouraging is an expressions to give someone support or motivation to do something so he/she can achieve the goals.
How to Encourage Someone ???
If your goal is to learn how to encourage someone, all that you need are : Praise,Show people their strength,Show appreciation, Be a positive role model for them, and raise their spirit

Expressions of Encouraging :

1. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do better the next time
2. You’re doing very well. 
3.Give it a shot.
4. Come on. This is not the end of the    world.
5. We feel you should go ahead.
6. I'm sure you will pass ...
7. It wouldn’t hurt.      
Preventing is an expressions to prohibit someone to  do  something that he/she don’t want.
Expression of Preventing :
1. You mustn’t ...!
2.  You shouldn’t (really) ...
3. You’d better not ...
4.  I don’t really think you should ...
Ok, I already give you some examples about Persuading, encouraging, and preventing someone . Can you make your own expression ?

Preventing someone

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